Monday, February 14, 2011

The Irony of Rome and Her Builders

The meaning of the word 'procrastination' can only be found in the dictionary of Mr. Lazy Bones. Those who have the energy and time to do something useful in life but keep postponing are not worthy of given opportunities to dine with achievers. The reason is that, they have the same opportunities to achieve certain things like others do, yet turn down such chances at the expense of their fortunes in life. In sport, they postpone their time of training for trivial assignments that can never bring home a trophy for their team. In studies, they postpone their time of reading and replace it with other activities that will never give them success in exams. In religious spirituality, they postpone their time of prayers and instead, hook up doing things that will never bring them heaven. This goes on and on and on. But the basic fact is that, even champions train to participate in further tournaments, yet sometimes they end up not retaining it. So why procrastinate instead of doing what will bring you success in life and make you great in history.
I come to discover over the years that there are two kinds of procrastinations. The first is the one that a person keeps saying I will do it latter and end up never to do it before deadline or sometimes in life as the case may be. This kind of procrastination is the worst that can cripples one in a life time. This is because; it fades the strength of a giant and brings him or her to an unexpected defeat in battles that he or she has every advantage on. They keep doing it latter till they never do it at all. The second kind of procrastination is the type that a Nigerian will say "half bread is better than none". But it is not any better than the first one discussed above. In this second procrastination, a person starts a beautiful project but never completes it. The beautiful ideas are there; the energy to work and fully accomplish the best result of the ideas is also available. However, the sustaining spirit or passion to keep the project going until it reaches the finishing level is not there.
Some individuals who fall in the category of this second kind of procrastination sometimes console themselves with the popular saying that, 'Rome was not built in a day'. They forget to know that, if Romans had all the resources needed to build Rome in a day, they would have probably done it. So if one has the time, energy, and other resources needed to do something better in life within a stipulated period of time, he or she should not place or equate him/herself in the position of Romans. Those who start without finishing are not any better than those who really never start at all. Again, if the project does not worth finishing, why even start it? On the other hand, if you can do it now, why push it latter? Every programme postponed by an individual due to procrastination meets another programme which reduces its strength. Procrastination achieves every thing but nothing. Plan your programmes and work diligently towards them. You will be surprise that the result will be great.

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